miércoles, 3 de agosto de 2016

Who's Who in diplomacy ... As charge d'affaires.

The current role of as charge d'affaires ai despite their seniority in the exercise of diplomacy has not always been understood in its proper perspective by those who are not involved directly in the workplace, or by training academic in the field of international relations.

A frequent "vagueness" in some media, allows only as charge d'affaires ai own consuellor or economic and commercial attaches in diplomatic missions functions. Also when referring to as charge d’affaires “ad interim" (ai) despite its title establishes the timing of its management, they are attributed a permanent basis. In fact, the diplomatic staff of the mission that has exercised this responsibility, after the return of the ambassador and therefore completed its interim management, will continue to attach such a title without properly corresponds. It should be recalled in the same context, that the charge d'affaires in countries that retain the tradition of using French as a native language for certain aspects of diplomacy, are called "chargé d'affaires". It must also be remembered that in the field of diplomatic law has established two categories of as charge d'affaires ai . The "ad hoc" and "ad interim"  The business manager with letter cabinet, "ad hoc" or for certain countries "chargé d'affaires en pied" (ep) is a head of "permanent" mission, unlike the charge d'affaires "ad interim" which is obviously a head of "temporary" mission. , relative worth pointing to   as charge d'affaires ai "ad hoc" designation is usually due to the intention of the sending State to maintain a mission for an extended period with a "lower than a normal embassy" category, whether for reasons of political or protocol character.

These are credited by letters of cabinet (signed by the Chancellor of the country sending) to be delivered in a simple ceremony the Chancellor of the receiving State for accreditation carrier thereof, for which "must have obtained" previously the "placet" or welcome. 

However, the charge d'affaires "ad interim" (ai) is accredited temporarily "in the receiving State or international organization" by sending a diplomatic note to the ambassador, and in special cases directly by the Foreign Ministry.

 Due to the principle "Legatus non potest delegare" A business manager cannot accredit other. The charge d'affaires ai is a member of the diplomatic staff of the mission, which occupies the position of head of mission for temporary absence of the ambassador, whether by vacation, sick or officers, or in the period between the final departure of the ambassador and the delivery of credentials of his successor period travel.  This type of business manager, despite its interim nature, would exert functions for long periods, when the sending State has "called to see" the ambassador for an unspecified time (to express displeasure or significant disagreement), among other special cases.
In countries with diplomatic career "rigorously established , " the position of chargé d'affaires ai usually performed by the staff of the mission holding the class immediately below the ambassador, or by the official "career highest ranking" in the mission. A curious fact in the “Era of Trujillo” recommending chooses to charge d'affaires to diplomatic official "more affection to the regime" in the mission. Remember; do not usually credited as charge d'affaires ai of the added defense (military). 

The charge d'affaires ai, being a head of mission of "fourth category", from the point of view of precedence, it puts after the charge d'affaires with letters cabinet, which is a head of mission of "third category". In this regard it should be noted that the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (Art . 14) states: "Except as concerns precedence and etiquette, there shall be no differentiation between heads of mission by reason of their class." 

It is recalled that in very special occasions that can not be counted in the mission to an official with diplomatic status to be accredited as charge d'affaires ai, was then credited as " charge d'affaires ai files" administrative official who is in front of it (prior consent of the receiving State Chancellery).

He also happens if credited for such responsibility to a consular official who holds only range. Obviously, the "file managers" are not heads of mission property, and both its authority and its functions are limited, "for lack of representative character" in its charge

Jose Rafael Otazo M.
University Professor.
Member of Number Chair "H" of the Academy of Language, chapter Carabobo. 

Member of the Bolivarian Society of Venezuela
Member of the Disclosing Society of Military History of Venezuela.
Member Writers Association of Carabobo State.
Researcher at the Association for the Promotion of Historical Studies in Central America.

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